Electrify Bike is a “Best of Utah” in City Weekly’s annual best-of edition.
Find it here: https://www.cityweekly.net/utah/best-of-utah/BestOf... (page 3 online, 45 in print)
Find it here: https://www.cityweekly.net/utah/best-of-utah/BestOf... (page 3 online, 45 in print)

Best Way to Electrify Your Bike
Electrify Bike Co.
Electric bicycles are all the rage. Streets are literally humming with them. While they may not flatten the curve, they damn sure flatten hills as steep as I Street. Because most e-bikes are built in China, however, the pandemic has caused imbalances in supply and demand. You may not be able to find the new e-bike you want even if you are willing to spend big bucks. Fortunately, most standard bikes can be retrofitted with a pedal-assist, electric motor by Electrify Bike Co. Efficient, friendly and knowledgeable, the Electrify conversion specialists provide up-front quotes. Get one for your cruiser on the company's website. (JR) 8060 S. 1300 West, West Jordan, 801-997-0550, electrifybike.com
Electrify Bike Co.
Electric bicycles are all the rage. Streets are literally humming with them. While they may not flatten the curve, they damn sure flatten hills as steep as I Street. Because most e-bikes are built in China, however, the pandemic has caused imbalances in supply and demand. You may not be able to find the new e-bike you want even if you are willing to spend big bucks. Fortunately, most standard bikes can be retrofitted with a pedal-assist, electric motor by Electrify Bike Co. Efficient, friendly and knowledgeable, the Electrify conversion specialists provide up-front quotes. Get one for your cruiser on the company's website. (JR) 8060 S. 1300 West, West Jordan, 801-997-0550, electrifybike.com
Some of us think hоlding оn makes us strong, but somеtimes it is lеtting gо.
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