The right bike for the kind of riding you want to do makes all the difference.
Choosing a Bike to Convert
First of all, do you have a bike? If you have one that you are certain is perfect for your e-bike conversion then skip to the article on choosing the best motor and battery. If you don't have a bike or you do but want to make sure you are starting with the right kind of bike then this article is for you. A few questions to think about are: What kind of riding would you like to do? Trails mostly or just occasionally? Are you mostly thinking you want to ride around the neighborhood and maybe down to the store? Do you ride for exercise, enjoyment or to actually get somewhere or accomplish something? Do you want to ride to work with your ebike as primary or occasional commute transportation? Do you need to haul kids or heavy and bulky loads?
There is a bike designed for almost any need and riding style. There are even options to replace the car and carry lots of cargo. Some end up with different bikes for different purposes. Let's consider some of the kinds of bikes and things to think about to make sure the bike you choose to electrify is the one that is sure to beckon to you every day from the garage.
First of all, do you have a bike? If you have one that you are certain is perfect for your e-bike conversion then skip to the article on choosing the best motor and battery. If you don't have a bike or you do but want to make sure you are starting with the right kind of bike then this article is for you. A few questions to think about are: What kind of riding would you like to do? Trails mostly or just occasionally? Are you mostly thinking you want to ride around the neighborhood and maybe down to the store? Do you ride for exercise, enjoyment or to actually get somewhere or accomplish something? Do you want to ride to work with your ebike as primary or occasional commute transportation? Do you need to haul kids or heavy and bulky loads?
There is a bike designed for almost any need and riding style. There are even options to replace the car and carry lots of cargo. Some end up with different bikes for different purposes. Let's consider some of the kinds of bikes and things to think about to make sure the bike you choose to electrify is the one that is sure to beckon to you every day from the garage.
Electric Mountain Bike
Young and old are discovering electric mountain bikes (eMTB's) but often for entirely different reasons. Young riders are discovering that they can get 3 or 4 rides in a day rather than just 1 or 2. Going uphill is as fun as going downhill. In fact there is a new term starting to be used called "uphill flow". Until now the flow has always been downhill on an MTB. Some like an eMTB's for getting around town and commuting. Mountain bikes are about the only bikes made with full suspension and you can't beat full suspension for comfort but it does add some weight. However, the extra weight of full suspension is not even noticed with electric assist and they do make a very comfortable commuter with the added benefit of being able to hop curbs and take shortcuts through fields and trails when available. For the more senior riders an eMTB lets them keep riding in the mountains and wilderness places they love. It keeps them active and lets them get out and exercise more often while doing something truly fun. Others recovering from injuries or with physical limitations find they can get out on the trails and keep moving for their health and well-being. If the kind of riding in this section speaks to you then an electric mountain bike might be for you. Maybe you already have one in the garage or just need to go pick one out. In either case it can be electrified it into an eMTB you will love. ![]() City e-bikes & Cruiser e-bikes Bike shops these days seem to be full of either road racing bikes or off-road mountain bikes, both of which were not designed for comfort but for speed and power with the rider hunched forward. Do you remember when people wore normal clothing to go for a ride? When it was about being outdoors and enjoying the ride rather than focused on speed? When bikes were designed to sit upright where you can enjoy the scenery and wave hello to your neighbors? When it was as much about the journey as the destination? Everyday cycling in Europe is still like that and they have perfected the upright city bike for getting around town or just out for a ride. In America we popularized the cruiser style and they are still very popular. An example is the Electra Townie or a beach cruiser. City bikes tend to be more for getting around and cruisers are more for pleasure but they both do both and it really comes down to preference and both make great e-bike conversions. If you live in a flat area and have your health you may not need an ebike but if you are in your senior years, have health issues or live around hills or wind, an ebike is the answer. In the Salt Lake Valley where I live the ground slopes from the mountains on either side of the valley to the Jordan River. Wherever you are in the valley if you are going in an east/west direction you will have a hill going or coming not to mention a lot of other hills spread throughout the valley. That coupled with steady winds at different times of the year makes electric assist welcome on a majority of rides. So for the less athletic we can now add electric motor assistance to both flatten the hills and tame the wind. In fact, people find once they have converted their bike they find themselves riding a lot more often because the reasons for not riding a bike and just taking the car tend to go away. If this section appeals to you then a city bike or a cruiser might be for you. Maybe you already have one in the garage or just need to go pick one out. In either case we can help you electrify it into an ebike you will love.
E-bikes for Commuters
One of the biggest reasons people are reluctant to ride their bike to work is that they can't arrive sweaty. So they drive even if they want to ride. An e-bike solves that one and also gets you to work faster. Commuters find that even if it is too far for a normal bike the fact that they go further faster on an e-bike makes a bicycle commute possible. So what kind of bike makes the best commuter bike? There is no right answer to that because different people commute on different styles of bike for different reasons. A city bike or even a cruiser can make a great commuter and be very comfortable on a lot of commutes. However, if the roads are rough or there are a lot of potholes they can be a little rough without full suspension. Some city bikes have front suspension and any city bike or cruiser can be upgraded with a suspension seat post that smooths out road bumps from being transferred directly from the road to your spine. Some like an eMTB's for getting around town and commuting. Mountain bikes are about the only bikes made with full suspension and you can't beat full suspension for comfort but it does add some weight. However, the extra weight of full suspension is not even noticed with electric assist and they do make a very comfortable commuter with the added benefit of being able to hop curbs and take shortcuts through fields and trails when available. Commuting on road bikes is another opportunity for racers to get in some training on the way to work. The problem is they need a shower when they get their. This is where an electrified road bike makes a lot of sense. They can ride it to work and not break a sweat and then not use the motor on the ride home and train on the type of bike they like to ride. Of course they still need a non-motorized one for regular rides. Folding bikes are great for split commutes where part is by public transit or car and part is on bike. For those on public transit the folding bike gets them from the station to work. For those in cars they don't have to find and pay for parking close in to town. They can park where it is easy and free or cheap and ride the rest of the way in. Whichever kind of bike you decide is ideal for your commute, it can be converted into an electric commuter bike you will love.
Should You Electrify a Road Bike?
Road bikes are an interesting one. Most road bikes are ridden by the racers and those riding to constantly up the bar on fitness. I used to think they weren't the best candidates for electric conversions. However, since I have come to realize that there are 2 big exceptions to riding a road bike as a pure human powered sport. Cycling for many is a social sport. They ride with friends, family or a team. One of the 2 reasons for electric conversions on a road bike is to allow those that for any number of reasons can't keep up with those they want to ride with. Sometimes this is a spouse that can't keep up with the other spouse but they want to ride together. Others are recovering from an injury or have health issues that prevent them from riding as fast as they use to. It can be very rewarding for all parties to have them able to join and it seems unfair to ask the fittest to slow their pace when the sport is all about pushing ones limits. The second reason for electric road bikes is that commuting on road bikes is another opportunity for racers to get some training in while commuting to work. The problem is they need a shower when they get there. This is where an electrified road bike makes a lot of sense. They can ride it to work and not break a sweat and then not use the motor on the ride home and train on the type of bike they like to ride. Of course they still need a non-motorized one for regular rides. You won't find very many electric road bikes in your local ebike shop which is why an ebike conversion is often the best way to get one.
Folding bikes are great for split commutes where part is by public transit or car and part is on bike. For those on public transit the folding bike gets them from the station to work. For those in cars they don't have to find and pay for parking close in to town. They can park where it is easy and free or cheap and ride the rest of the way in.
Most folding bikes are good candidates for conversion to an electric folding bike. If you have one or have one in mind - great! If you would like a recommendation give us a call and we will help you pick one out. In anycase we can help you electrify it into a folding ebike you will love.
Electric Cargo Bikes
Cargo bikes don't need much explanation. Whether hauling kids or cargo they are heavy and even more so on hills and against the wind. Maybe you have tried a basket or a rack and panniers on your bike so you can carry some stuff and avoid a car trip but you quickly reach the limits of what can be practically carried. If you really want to replace even more car trips when you need to haul a load of kids, groceries or hardware maybe you should be thinking about a cargo bike. A mid-drive motor is almost always the way to go because on hills you can gear down and have all the power you need. An electric assist on a cargo bike is a natural and is still good for the planet and the wallet. A typical battery charge is less than 20 cents. If you are leaning in this direction you should know that some of the best electric cargo bikes out there started with a regular cargo bike and an e-bike conversion kit. If you don't already own one just pick out the cargo bike you like the best and electrify it! |
This is a nicely written article about choosing the right bike for its purpose. My wife and I own hybrid bikes that we bought years ago when our riding was different from what we now do as we age. I’m just curious how you would classify a hybrid? I think for our use here in Summit County on roads and trails, these bikes, properly electrified and modified for a more upright riding position, might serve us well for another few years.
Electrify Bike replied:
The interpretation of what a “hybrid” means varies across manufacturers. If the upright riding style you describe is more upright than a mountain bike, it is headed into city bike territory. Hybrids are also popular commuter bikes, more comfortable than road bikes and faster than mountain bikes. They are an excellent choice for an electric conversion. For an even more upright and comfortable ride we often upgrade the saddle and raise the bars with your choice of steering tube riser, a stem riser, or riser bars.
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